
Saturday 30 October 2010

Chit Chat with FLASH .

Seperti mana yang kita tahu , FLASH kini mempunyai ahli baru . Kita sudah ketahui tentang sikap Hiera , ahli baru Flash . Kini mari kita bongkarkan segala rahsia ahli2 Flash yang selama ini terpendam 

Q:Apakah impian anda masa kecil ?
Farahin : Nak jadi anak raja !
Atien : Jadi orang yang sangat Berjaya.
Leena : Kecil2 mne ad impian .. ahaha..
Syazwani : impianku ingin menjai seorang yang Berjaya kepada bangsa ,Negara dan agama….[cewah!]
Aniesa : Nak sentiasa success.
Hiera : Masa kecil , aku teringin sangat nk dok ats pelamin dengan kekasih pujaan hatiku . tpi , skrg segala impian tu hilang ! Lelaki ta leyh percaya !! Onew leyh kot ! huk33..

Q: Ramai puji anda cantik . Apa pendapat anda ?
Leena : Ad ek ? comel , cute ada la .. ahhahax gurau je , kite rsa btol la kort..:P perasan jerk . kpd mereka yang ckp cm 2 trima kaseh .. korang pon sme.
Hiera : Eh Leena , perasan jerk ! hehe . ala , kaw mmg chntek pon . oppss , terlebih suda.. t kembang lax dy ..
Farahin : Semua orang cantik la.. ahaha
Hiera : Puji sbb nk bOdek ad r ! huk3. Btw , thnx kpd sesiape yg puji aku . espclly , my BFF !! Syukur ….
Atien : Entahla , biasa je kot..
Syazwani : Sama jwpn ngn Atien .. byase je kot..
Anisa : Yeke cntik ? xdk la. Lau ad yang puji b’syukur je la.

Q: Siapa yang paling rapat dengan anda dikalangan ahli FLASH Or other?
Atien : Farahin [Ayien] la…
Farahin : Fatin Nadila bt. Saero Bahari [Atien].
Hiera : Korang nie mmg mcm cincin dgn permata .. btw , aku rapat ngn semua ahli n org Len !!
Leena : Semua yang mengenali diri ini…=p
Hiera : huh , penuh dgn tande tye btol la..
Syazwani : Korang semua la .. Xkn Megala kot ..
Anisa : Semua …tpii ,, korang2 je la..

Q: Jenis kekasih idaman ?
Leena : KAYA , hensem kne la gax.. pandi jge hati, smyang x tggl [penting]..n yg mak ayh suke..
Farahin : Kekasih idaman ? Klau da tgok msti twu dy 2 plihan aq..
Atien : Entah .. Mne2 laki yg blh buat aku jatuh cinta kt dy la..
Hiera : Caring,Responsble,Honest,Loyalty.
Syazwani : B’peljrn , rajin , HENSEM , n mestilah b’pndidikan agama.. eh ! t’tggl .. kaya pon boley …
Anisa : SETIA.. encem ..Kaya..solat x tinggal ..PENDiRIAN TETAP..

Q:Apa kelebihan anda ?
Anisa : Kelebihan ? xdk pon . aq hnye insan biasa.
Syazwani : aku tak tw r..
Atien : Kelebihan xdpt knl pasti .. kehkeh …
Farahin : Bulu mata lentik ! hehe.
Leena : xdk kot . kite sedr kite spe.. huh ..
Hiera ; Pandai masak ! aku pndai msk mcm2 . tpi msti kne ad resepi !! huhu .. 1 ag , kelbihn yg Terpendam ! aku pandai meLukis n menuLis  huhu . PERASAN jerk !

Q : Pernahkah berlaku pertengkaran antara korang ?
Hiera : ofcoz pernah . ada sekali aku n atien bertengkar sbb rebutkan artis Korea. Ahha. Tpi, itu hanye gurauan smata-mata !!
Farahin : Pernah .. xthn doe . ahha.
Atien : Mestila ..
Syazwani : Mestilah pernah ..
Anisa : Gadoh ? mst la ad .. aq nie bkn Penyabar .
Leena : mstla .. nmepon kwn ..pling lme ngn aida . phm2 je la..

Q: Boleh kongsi tentang rahsia msing2?
Leena :XBOLEH… kort ..
Anisa : Boleh .. Kecuali Hal Keluarga..
Syazwani : yg yg x.
Atien : Aku rse semua rahsia aku da cerita kt korg..
Farahin : depends !
Hiera : Rahsia ape? Kecntikan?xcntek pon.kepandaian ? xpndi pon . hurm, Rahsia hubungan antara kami ? rahsia nye .. kiteowg saling memahami each other 

Q; Apakah warna kegemaran korang ?
Hiera : Brown + white & Oren+white & black & green.
Farahin : Warne itam [the most] puteh & biru.
Atien : Purple,pink .[kdng2 ikut musim]hehe
Syazwani : merah ! [merah yg cantik jerk. Ehhe]
Anisa : Hitam,putih&pink .. [nanyer bnyk ag]
Leena: Pink , ungu , coklat , puteh.

Q:Bgaimnkh korg relaxkn diri drpd tekanan.
Leena : Tidur,tguk tv.
Atien : Dgr lagu.
Farahin : Luahkan at kwn a.k.a menangiz ! T_T
Hiera : Perapkan diri dlm bilik .

Q:Hadiah yg pling korg harpkn?
Farahin : Laptop ! dgn broadband eh !
Atien : Teddy Bear !xpnh dpt pon . T_T .hukhuk.
Syazwani : xhrp ppe pon.yg pnting org yg bgi tu IKHLAS.
Anisa: Kawan, Kekasih & Famly yg Setia.
Leena:Kejayaan ! ahha. Poyozz.
Hiera : Kejayaan,Kekasih yg setia n gagjet yg pntg

Choreography Soome

hello ! im really happy whn wacthing this vid ! thts funny at the end of the video !
they r so funny ..

are u laugh too ? i guess it . who wacth it must be laughing loudly ! LOL..

SOOMe - Beast

AJ already has twitter acc..?

anyeong !
do u know tht kikwang from beast has his own twitter .
yes , he did it !
whoever his fan , u can follow him at @B2stGK

follow fast u can know his latest !

Thursday 28 October 2010


FLASH adalah group girls yang ditubuhkan oleh ahli mereka sendiri pada tahun lepas. Mereka terdiri daripada , FARAHIN ,LEENA, ANISA ,ATIEN, SYAZWANI. Tapi pada tahun nie , FLASH telah menambahkan lagi seorang ahli yang bernama HIERA[SYAHIRAH]. Mari kita bertanya pada ahli FLASH yang lain tentang HIERA [maknae FLASH] . 

Q : Apa yg korang rasa tentang HIERA ?
Farahin : Syahirah nie suka senyum je.. !!
Leena : Die seorang yg baik, hormat org lain, tpi kdng2 sellu pk pasl org lain je.. diri sendiri x kesh pon !!
Hiera : ouh ek? Ad ek ? ehhe
Atien : Ha, dia nie kwn yg paling banyak bg info fasal KOREA… thnx.! Eh,! die bila senyum nmpk cute !!
Syazwani : Syahirah seorang yg baik n rajin …
Anisa : I think “ Thing Tong” !! 

Q : Hari yg membuatkn korg happy bile b’sme dgn die ?
Farahin : Ketika di sekolah .
Leena : mSe gi midvelly.. sbb byk tangkp gmbr dgn die … n cbb kiteorg jln sme2 .. hehe .. :P
Atien : Time gi Mid aritu : die nie x abeh2 usha pengkid tu . Klaka la.. Aku suka kalau org buat aku gelak . 
Hiera: bkn ape .. aku pntng tengok org pelik . ahah . lgipon pengkid tu LES doe.. ahah.. puth pulax. Mcm org Korea.
Syazwani : Bila kat sekolah . bezz.. gelak2 ngn die ..
Anisa : Hari-Hari .. [ BUKAN KEDAI BAJU tu .. ]

Q : Ape perasaan korang semua bila b’sma Hiera ?
Farahin : Rse selamat ^_^
Leena : msti r sronok . … kort … ahhaha :P
Atein : Happy r .. LOL
Syazwani : Gembira .. !!
Anisa : ePy Larh ..

Q : Apakah tabiat pelik Hiera bagi korang ?
Farahin : Xsnyum tp muke cam senyum je.. hehe
Leena : Mse die mkn roti ngn HALWA [ cam pelik je ..] mklum la , aku tak pernh mkn pon.
Atien: Blur….
Hiera : Blur cm ONEW oppa 
Syazwani : Pelik ? mcm2 … banyak sgt ..
Anisa : Bagi aku …. Die tak pelik pon .. 

Q : Ciri yg korg xsuke pade diri Hiera ?
Farahin : die sellu mengalh ngn org..
Leena : mnt die kt Korea terlebih sgt .. benci I tw.. hahha.. aku pon da terikot cket .. XSKE2 !!
Hiera : sbb aku t’llu obsess ngn Korea 
Atien : Xde r …
Syazwani : Syahirah nie suke sgt pentingkn org len .. sampaikan xfikir diri sendiri ..
Anisa : Xske ?? Aq bukn cpw2 nk menilai org ..

Q : Perangai Hiera yg korang suke ?
Farahin : Caring …
Leena : ske tlong kwn ..
Hiera: bile pulak aku ske tlong org ?
Atien : Buat aku happy bile ckp psL Korea . hehe..
Syazwani : bLur .. hehe
Anisa : Die suke teman aku ..
Hiera : teman kaw.. ? bile.. ? ehhe ..

Q : Apa karisma yang ada pada diri Hiera ?
Farahin : Karisma ? ntahla .. ehhe
Leena : sme je soaln .. hehe .. mybe karisma dyy .. TINGGI kot !!
Atien : actually , aku xtw karisma tu ape .. :P
Syazwani : Karisma ? aku xtw r karisma tu ape .. ahah
Anisa : Karisma ? Karisma Kapoor err.. ?
Hiera: bkn Karina Kapoor er. ? ahah. Karisma tu ape ekk ? ahah

Q : Perkara baik yang Hiera pernah buat t’hdap korang ?
Farahin : Belanje mkn .. yum2 .. hehe
Leena : xdk kot .. haha .. bgi kite .. ddk at umh die ble mak n ayh kte xad ..
Hiera: yke ? aku rse aku yg sLLu dok umh kaw.. use ur computer. Ehhe
Atien : Die jdikan aku org yg lbh byk pengetahuan psL Korea.
Syazwani : die sllu tlong aku. ..
Anisa : die sudi jDi kwn aku ..
Hiera: korang la kwn2 & kakk2 ku yg tercinta !!

Q : Menurut korang , ape yang Hiera suke buat ?
Farahin : dgr cite pasl KOREA ! semua psl KOREA ! kan ? ahha
Leena : btOl tue.. dy juge suke surf internet [bile da byr .. ahha]
Hiera: eh Leena , peril aku kew ape.. ? ahaha
Atien : tguk gmbr ONEW … wakakakaka ..
Hiera: ad jugk .. ahaha
Syazwani : Layan Korea …
Anisa : Suke SMILE  ..

Q : Bagi korang , Hiera adalah ……. ?
Farahin : Kawan yang Baik !
Leena : …PEREMPUAN la .. buat lawak pulax .. hohoho ..
Atien : Syahirah adalah KOREAN BANK aku .. LOL .
Syazwani : seorang kawan ..
Anisa : POMPUAN kot …

Q: Korang rse , siapakah yang paling Hiera tak suke ?
Farahin : wak Joe ! hehe
Hiera: sorang agie .. KADIR [ur Boyfriend] BENCI GLEW..
Leena : haha .. die bru ckp aritu … imran ..!!
Atien : Entahlah .. Aku kot .. Tetttt .
Hiera: nope la .. aku ta bnci kaw pon ..
Syazwani : Manelah aku tw die xsuke spew..
Anisa : IM kot !!
Hiera : nope jugax .. aku ta bnci kaw..
Hiera : to IMRAN ! aku benci kaw sbb kaw nie sombong ngn aku , poyoz , .. Berubah la….=p  tpi , don worry .. aku tak hate kaw much ! Eh , PEDULI APE kaw en ak bnci kaw ke tak . tO Kadir lax ., mmg aku bnCi langsung !! dyy mmg sombonk nk mampOs !! sorry ye ayien , kutuk BF kaw !! xthn nie.. ahha ..

Selesai sudah CHIT CHAT bersama ahli FLASH mengenai maknae group FLASH ,Hiera .. Kembali lagi ke ruangan bLog ini jika ingin mengetahui tentang ahli FLASH pula…. JUMPA LAGI . SEE U SOON . ANYEONG !!! kamsamida ..

Thursday 7 October 2010

SS501 song [Acapella]

sing without music :))

1-Love Ya.

2-Because I'm Stupid

3-All My Love

love it !

Dalmation - Round 1 MV !

anyeong ! i wanna share with u guy this vid ! love it !
they r very cute !


Bonamana Reamix ver...

but , yesung said worng word .
he said 'sidarinda miinah' but ir=t suppose to be 'gidarinda miinah'
it funny when kyuhyun look at him !


minho sing Hello on Y-STAR Live power music

SHINEE Mbc "Love Chaser"

i love it ! u also can wacth it !

Part 1 :-

Part 2 :-

Part 3 :-

Part 4 :-

Part 5 :-

credit from :- kimbumkey

funny nickhun n minho !

i though they wanna fight . but ...


u can search more for this vid .. at u tube ! star couple challenge .

key has a twin .. ?

i thnk u hve heard this story tht people say key has a twin ..
Key said that it was during the recent filming for MBC Everyone 'Super Junior Leeteuk and Yesung Love Chaser' that this boy student who looks almost identical to himself, first made his appearance and surprised the rest of the SHINee members.

The members were excited and said, "Isn't he your real twin brother that you have been hiding from us so far?", "How can he resemble you so much if he's not your twin?", "The chance of synchronization between Key and him is 99.9%", etc.

The boy student has very similar eyes to Key and has the hairstyle Key had during the promotions of Lucifer. He danced to SHINee's songs perfectly surprising not only SHINee themselves but other people as well.

UPDATE: Please check out the video segment below starting at 2:08. He does somewhat resemble Key and the members were all really nice to him.


credit from :- koreaboo ,allkpop

Love Pursuer E6: SHINee Key dances to NU ABO, 2 Different tears, Queen, Hurricane Venus

Watch the video below! Key shows off his fanboy skills by dancing to f(x)'s NU ABO, Wonder Girls' 2 Different Tears, Son Dam Bi's Queen, and BoA's Hurricane Venus!

onew screaming !!

i dont beleive ! onew scream just like a girl .!

see it !

is it true wht i said. ? haah

[SHINee] Jonghyun + Minho Orange Caramel

today , i had wacthed a video of shinne :)
i wacth a video of minho n jonghyun sanf orange caramal's song :)
on star couple challenge !

let wacth it :-


how about their dance.. ? mixture of lucifer dance . ahah .

ok , c u..

UKISS's Shut Up MV revealed !!

im just curiouslyy , who was tht girl .. she look familiar for me ! however, huh.. all ukiss member look veryy differents appearance ! they look gentle..

today , 8/10/2010 they will prepare for music bank . they woke up early as im :) so, gud luck for u oppa ..

Saturday 2 October 2010

Shinee ! 'Hello' on music bank :)

The boys seem to have gotten all the rest they needed, because SHINee is back and ready for more stage action on today’s Music Bank!

After teasing the fans with concept shots, and audio and MV teasers, they’re finally making a return to the scene! The group is rocking a new style, one that is simpler than those they’ve rocked in the past.

Though they’ve only been away for a little while, it seems that they’ve been missed terribly by their fans. Just listen to the sound of that crowd!

Check out their comeback performance below!

credit :-

B2ST ! 'SOOM' in Music Bank

After testing the limits of their fans’ patience with seemingly endless teaser pictures, audio, and MVs, B2ST is ready to intensify the hype with their first comeback stage on today’s Music Bank.

The boys continuously manage to impress their fans with their spotless performances, which consist of both on-point vocals and dance moves! With this new, manly image, and fresh new “Soom” track, the boys seem to have everything they need to rock the stage!

Check out their hot stage below!