
Sunday 14 August 2011

[HOT NEWS] - #StarKingApologizeNow #SBSApologizeNow ?

Woahh ! i think , this is the BIG NEWS ! arggh ,, you guys might not know about this . But , this NEWS i got from several peoples on twitter .
It's all about starking ! one particular girl came on star king , insulting Saudi Arabia and Islam. and Muslims over the world are offended.
On this post , i'm gonna show you , what does arabian felt when such that things happened !




We demand an apology from Star King AND SBS for all Muslims. They have NO right to makes fun of us! Especially when it’s not true at all!!! What happened in Star King Is outrages! Saudi People are not like this and they don’t dress like that! What has been shown is a great Insult and humiliation to all of us! Please Let the whole world know this is not true one bit! Everything that has been said and done is WRONG!

On going Trend on Twitter right now! #StarKingApologizeNow
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Since i can't watch this video , so i've ask SuperKPOPpers how to know the situation. So, that the admin has tweet me a link for this picture :-

[cr : ] ...

[to be continue]

[PHOTO] - Twin's Heechul !

Heechul has uploaded the picture on twitter .
In this picture , Heechul from super junior with Heechul from ZE:A .