haloo !
MASTERMIND ? yeah , new album from BEAST will be releas on 30/sept/10.
Mastermind is the third mini-album played by South Korean boy band Beast, and was released by Cube Entertainment. The song titled ‘Breath’ is composed by Shinsadaong Tiger and Choi Gyusung with the lyrics written by Rado and Yong Junhyung. The song Break Down is created by Lim Sanghyuk and Lee Joohyung.
The song Mastermind just like the title of the album, will serve as the intro track with the word meaning, “someone who can control other object with ease.” It has the hidden meaning of Beast wanting to remove the rookie image and state of the public that they want to show their own style of music.
No. Title Length
1. "Mastermind" 01:35
2. "숨[1]" ("Breath") 03:31
3. "V.I.U (Very Important U)" 03:06
4. "Break Down" 03:35
5. "주먹을 꽉 쥐고" ("Clenching My Fist Tight") 04:02
to beauty , i thnk u'll excited for waiting their new album !
me too . we wait for their new album 'MASTERMIND' together :))
Sunday, 26 September 2010
termakan kuku !! KOTOR !
anyeong ! salam . hye ..
how r u ? hopely u r getting good !
about my title. ? huh , very dirtyy .. y ?
becoz today , i ate nail . i dont know whos nail is it !
actually ,, like this .. when i watching tv .. i eat 'horse peanut' [kacang kuda] :)
suddnly , i feel something hard to eat ! when i saw it , huh ! i shock ! n i scream loudlyy .. my mom look at at curiouslyy .. i said tht i ate a nail. . my mom dont beleive ! huh .. my sis just laugh at me ..
huh . ok , i better stop here b4 somethng bad happn again :)
anyeong ..
how r u ? hopely u r getting good !
about my title. ? huh , very dirtyy .. y ?
becoz today , i ate nail . i dont know whos nail is it !
actually ,, like this .. when i watching tv .. i eat 'horse peanut' [kacang kuda] :)
suddnly , i feel something hard to eat ! when i saw it , huh ! i shock ! n i scream loudlyy .. my mom look at at curiouslyy .. i said tht i ate a nail. . my mom dont beleive ! huh .. my sis just laugh at me ..
huh . ok , i better stop here b4 somethng bad happn again :)
anyeong ..
Friday, 17 September 2010
learning korea :)
anyeong ! hello !
todayy i want to tell u about korean language !
i hve learn some word of korea !
enjoy it !
basic :0
kamsamida/kamsahamida/gomawo - thnk you
chon maneyo - you're welcome
mianhae / mianhamida - sorry
goen-cha-na-yo - it's ok
Soen-saeng-nim - teacher
sanbae - senior
Anio - no
araso - okey
de - yes
sesange - world
saranghae - i love u
pangkasemida - nice to meet u
only tht for today .. i forget mny thing !
todayy i want to tell u about korean language !
i hve learn some word of korea !
enjoy it !
basic :0
kamsamida/kamsahamida/gomawo - thnk you
chon maneyo - you're welcome
mianhae / mianhamida - sorry
goen-cha-na-yo - it's ok
Soen-saeng-nim - teacher
sanbae - senior
Anio - no
araso - okey
de - yes
sesange - world
saranghae - i love u
pangkasemida - nice to meet u
only tht for today .. i forget mny thing !
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Salam Eid wt semue !!
Assalamualaikum ..
Salam Lebaran wt readers , teman2 , family n umat isLam semua ! Alhamdullilah , Labaran thn nie kite smbot pade hari jumaat . jrang sekali kite smbot pade hari jumaat . mOge2 raye thn nie lbh mndpt kebrktn :0
so , teman2 , how about your Raya ? DUit Raya ? ahah . this yer , i onLy can eat biskut raye. duit raye taon ne , soryy la nk dpt . ahah .. sudaa besarr kottt .
tpii sediyh jugaxx la.. thn les dpt mnykk , tibe2 thn nie ta dpt lax. :(
abess tuh , cm new lax aku nk byar duit yg sptutnye dbyr.. huh !
btw , pstii anda tertye2 about my new photo Raya ? hehe .. i'll upload it laterr. i dont hve a time la dear .. hope u be patient .. wt kwn2 yg bkL amek PR taon nie.. jGn rayee sakan sgt aw.. 2 mnggu lPs cuti da emm . huh .
nervous gax doe ta readyy agg . wish me luck kwnn2 ! moge2 aku n member2 yg lenn dpt result ya terbaikkk !!
ok smpi disini aje le syarahan aku pde hari ray yg mulia ni .. smpi ketemu d harii len !!
Salam Lebaran wt readers , teman2 , family n umat isLam semua ! Alhamdullilah , Labaran thn nie kite smbot pade hari jumaat . jrang sekali kite smbot pade hari jumaat . mOge2 raye thn nie lbh mndpt kebrktn :0
so , teman2 , how about your Raya ? DUit Raya ? ahah . this yer , i onLy can eat biskut raye. duit raye taon ne , soryy la nk dpt . ahah .. sudaa besarr kottt .
tpii sediyh jugaxx la.. thn les dpt mnykk , tibe2 thn nie ta dpt lax. :(
abess tuh , cm new lax aku nk byar duit yg sptutnye dbyr.. huh !
btw , pstii anda tertye2 about my new photo Raya ? hehe .. i'll upload it laterr. i dont hve a time la dear .. hope u be patient .. wt kwn2 yg bkL amek PR taon nie.. jGn rayee sakan sgt aw.. 2 mnggu lPs cuti da emm . huh .
nervous gax doe ta readyy agg . wish me luck kwnn2 ! moge2 aku n member2 yg lenn dpt result ya terbaikkk !!
ok smpi disini aje le syarahan aku pde hari ray yg mulia ni .. smpi ketemu d harii len !!
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
pAgii butee :))
salam .. anyeong kwn2..
sekjp je mse berlalu . tok tok , da nk ryee..
emm , today aku akn pulang ke desa tok menymbut syawal bersme2 ngn tok wan n family sume at sne.. so , kowgg mcm mne lax..?
huh , aku nie snye tak wt ag persiapn tok blek desa. huh , tatw nk bwk bju ape.. [ta dk baju snye] ahah . ygaku tw , bju raye yg bru ku bli ad r. hehe. thn nie serba purple. aku je la. family yg len takkk. last yer green . another last yer also green . so this yer, i anti with green.. so tht i choose purple colour 4 my kurung :DD
sebLom terlmbat , inGin aku ucapkn Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan batin . sekirenya ad salah n silap.. harp diampunkn . moge2 anda dirhmati Allah :DD
b4 tht , also wish me luck ok 4 the PMR. uh , so scared !!
begitulah essay sye pde pgii ini . thnx !!
sekjp je mse berlalu . tok tok , da nk ryee..
emm , today aku akn pulang ke desa tok menymbut syawal bersme2 ngn tok wan n family sume at sne.. so , kowgg mcm mne lax..?
huh , aku nie snye tak wt ag persiapn tok blek desa. huh , tatw nk bwk bju ape.. [ta dk baju snye] ahah . ygaku tw , bju raye yg bru ku bli ad r. hehe. thn nie serba purple. aku je la. family yg len takkk. last yer green . another last yer also green . so this yer, i anti with green.. so tht i choose purple colour 4 my kurung :DD
lega rasenye.. sume biskut raye sudah ku siap kn ..sedapp :D maw rse.. ANDA dijemput dtg ke rumah aku :D
sebLom terlmbat , inGin aku ucapkn Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan batin . sekirenya ad salah n silap.. harp diampunkn . moge2 anda dirhmati Allah :DD
b4 tht , also wish me luck ok 4 the PMR. uh , so scared !!
begitulah essay sye pde pgii ini . thnx !!
Monday, 6 September 2010
cookies dayy
anyeong ! assalamualaikum !!
today .. i'm so tired . making a cookies of Raya ! from 11.30 p.m to 5.00 a.m ! huh ..
thts is time to amke a bikut of almond . this morning .. i want to make its coklat :DD
huh,, delicious ..
now, i want to show u about situation on my tables for making a cookies :D

BERSEPAH knn ? hehe.. all thing on the tables are an ingredient for make a cookies.
Not badd la .. :DD
after design the style of my cookies .. i wanna it to bake in my mon's oven ..
lets see how its going be,,..

its going bake .. hehe i can smell thts cookies. wahh, only i know.. huh..
here,, the cookies are readyy :DD

so thts , i can eat .. not onlyy smell :DD
wah , sedapp . ahha. nak ? u can try urself :DD
today .. i'm so tired . making a cookies of Raya ! from 11.30 p.m to 5.00 a.m ! huh ..
thts is time to amke a bikut of almond . this morning .. i want to make its coklat :DD
huh,, delicious ..
now, i want to show u about situation on my tables for making a cookies :D

so, wht do u think ?
BERSEPAH knn ? hehe.. all thing on the tables are an ingredient for make a cookies.
Not badd la .. :DD
after design the style of my cookies .. i wanna it to bake in my mon's oven ..
lets see how its going be,,..

can u see it ?
its going bake .. hehe i can smell thts cookies. wahh, only i know.. huh..
here,, the cookies are readyy :DD

so thts , i can eat .. not onlyy smell :DD
wah , sedapp . ahha. nak ? u can try urself :DD
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Autographed B2ST album giveaway!
In celebration of B2ST Rising’s 1st Anniversary on September 1st. B2ST Rising and allkpop have teamed up to giveaway 5 autographed copies of B2ST’s “Shock of the New Era” album to the fans! Isn’t that just soooo BEAST?!
All you have to do is follow allkpop on Twitter and Facebook and leave a comment on why you love B2ST below! Pretty simple huh? Winners will be announced on Friday, September 10th.
Also, remember to head on over to B2ST Rising for all the latest on anything B2ST.
Special thanks to Cube Entertainment, Wilson @ MCA Music and Sharon @ B2ST Rising!
Rain clarifies his position on the controversy with JTune Entertainment
With singer and actor Rain embroiled in a controversy with his own company, he has recently come forward with a clarification on the case, but it seems like the public won’t be so understanding.
On the 31st, Rain explained his side of the story through an interview with a press company, “I’m not a manager, I’m just an investor that invested in myself.“ He confessed his thoughts and feelings on the pressure that was put on him when he never participated in the actual managing aspect of the company. Rain also revealed that he’s raised the profits of his company and has changed the sales distribution, from what was originally a 7:3 ratio to a 5:5 ratio, in order to give shareholders a larger profit.
However, netizens remain divided on the issue. Those that support his changes have stressed that Rain is accepting a 5:5 profit distribution ratio.
Some netizens have supported his decision by leaving comments such as, “If it’s 5:5, he’s basically no better than a rookie. From Rain’s standpoint, he’s going to be losing billions of dollars,” “There’s never been any other business owner or board of director that has shown this much responsibility,” and “It’s a huge sacrifice he’s making.”
The entire controversy began last July when it was revealed that Rain, the largest shareholder of JTune Entertainment, sold his security holdings while the company was in a deficit. The public has brought up a variety of opinions on the issue, with some thinking that it was the right choice, and others considering it a disappointment.
Netizens continued to leave comments, stating, “He’s always acted like he was a perfectionist, so it’s disappointing to see him come out with excuses now and act like he had no idea,” “He should know that as the largest shareholder of a one-man company that his actions largely affect the worth of his stock and profits. Rain’s recent clarification just seems like he’s cut out his apology and instead emphasized what he’s losing,” and “Please show us more responsible actions if you consider yourself a top star.”
On the contrary, netizens have also supported him by leaving comments such as, “Rain is also a normal human being. Why would he do nothing as his investments are being lost? It was right for him to sell them,” “It’s Rain’s fault that the prices of the company’s stocks dropped because of a major shareholder liquidating all of his share, but we need to take note that the law has not yet decided his guilt or innocence,” and “I can see why his actions would be intolerable, but it’s too late to take back the crime anyway.”
source - allkpop
FT Island to release new Japanese single
Korean boy band, FT Island who recently released their Japanese single titled “Flower Rock” has announced the release of a new Japanese single on November 17th.
This singles album is scheduled to include three new tracks along with one karaoke instrumental track. The track list and the title of the songs will be announced at a later date.
FTIsland’s new single will come out in three different versions, two limited editions (A & B) and a regular edition. The A Limited edition will come with a DVD of their promotional video and a short video clip of the members. The B Limited edition will come with a random choice of the member’s character figurines. The regular edition will come with random trading cards of FT Island.
credit - allkpop.com
SHINee’s Key reveals his disappointment with MR-removed videos
SHINee’s Key, recently made an honest confession about his disappointment with the MR-removed videos sweeping the internet.
On an episode of SBS’s Strong Heart, broadcast on the 31st, Key confessed, “Whenever I hear the term MR-removed, I feel a bit disappointed. They’ve basically taken away one of the most important parts of a song, the background music, in order to verify what they consider skill.”
MR-removed (Music Recorded) is a phenomenon that Korean music fans have taken a liking to. The background music is taken out of live singing videos in order to verify the singer’s actual vocal talent.
Key went on to state, “Idol groups are looked down upon for having short parts. But people don’t consider the fact that certain voices only match certain parts of a song. It’s also upsetting that people judge a singers stage performance, by only observing a part of it.“
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