ports Chosun T-News] The group U-Kiss is always working towards the future.
For them to debut was in August of 2008. But for U-Kiss to actually gain popularity in their name was November of last year with the song 'ManManHani.' Their competition was greater. Near the same time U-Kiss debuted, 2PM also came out. The members had to watch their competition grow more and more popular, how would have felt through this?
With 1 year and 5 months since their debut, their first album Ukiss's 'Only One' was released and the members were finally able to wipe off their sorrows from then.
With 'ManManHani' they've transformed completely.
They were able to compare their lives before and after their comeback 'ManManHani.' The comparison of their past and present lives are too big.
There isn't just one bad memory of U-Kiss. Their backstage room was labeled 'U-Kizz' at one time, but that isnt it. At one concert, 6 members were given 5 mics and had to perform live sharing mics.
On a cue sheet for a music program, U-Kiss's song was named 'Unkwown.'
The members say "Those unfortunate situations made us lose our confidence, we didn't want to leave the backstage room with other popular singers staring at us, unkwown."
But with their big hit "ManManHani" their entire lives were changed. Wherever they go, they have the confidence to say something now.
Ukiss's recalls "We shot our first CF since debut. We actually looked foward to our music video setting for once!" and "Particularly when our manager hyung receives calls for schedules we can hear the power in his voice."
From Strong Guy dance to 'Whirlwind' Dance
With the overloading popularity their burdens have gotten greater too. Their popularity from 'ManManHani' is supporting their high rankings with 'Bingeul Bingeul.'
Their recent release on the 3rd raised their standings on various music charts and downloading sites.
Their "Bingeul Bingeul" is another great track from the Brave Brothers. The electronic hip-hop song has an addicting feel which can hopefully rise above 'ManManHani'
More importantly, the 'Strong Man' dance from 'ManManHani' left fans wanting more which the 'Bingeul Bingeul''s 'Whirlwind Dance' gave.
Ukiss's popularity is swifting to other countries.
The first album has 14 tracks made with their determined sweat and blood.
Including their title song 'Bingeul Bingeul,' other tracks such as 'Without You,' the addicting song 'What,' and one of the best 'Dancing Floor' show Ukiss's strong image.
Winning over their past sorrows, Ukiss's new album and concept has shown a great reaction from fans.
With their successful promotions in Korea their road to promoting more overseas has opened. They're planning on touring 8 countries in Asia a few of them being Hong Kong, Japan, China, Thailand, Finland. Their plans are to promote their albums and perform in concerts.
Ukiss's overall goal is to 'receive number 1 on a music show' and with the great success from 'ManManHani' they're more determined in winning number 1 with a fresh new song.