Hello guys.
especially to Aqib ! haha
b4 this , u've listen to Angel from Teen Top right ?
So now , u can watch the MV too !
Lets check it out :-
neomu kyeopta! modeun membeodeul neomu gwiyeowo ! naega neohuideul eul , teughi nae oppa / chingu : ) Saranghaeyo !!
Opss sorry :)
Translation ; so cute ! all the members were so cute ! i love you guys, especially my oppa / friends :) i love you
They're so funny ! love it !!
nae oppa : Chunji & Changjo
nae dongsaeng : Ljoe & Ricky
nae chingu : Cap & Niel
How about your ? hoho.. get cha~~
Haha .. OK GOT TO GO !
credit to : Aqib and all kpoper :)
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Yeah ! i got it !
Hey guys !!
finally, apa yg aku nak..
telah termakbul !
hoho.. aku da jumpe TUTO yg aku perlukan.
Thank kepada KAK HANA kerana telah menyediakan TUTO itu utk para pengguna blogger !
thnk sesangat !:)
finally, apa yg aku nak..
telah termakbul !
hoho.. aku da jumpe TUTO yg aku perlukan.
Thank kepada KAK HANA kerana telah menyediakan TUTO itu utk para pengguna blogger !
thnk sesangat !:)
Here I am :)
hey hey hey !!
dengar citer x ?
ZE:A ada kuar kn teaser baru. lagu here i am. :)
tenguk yerk !! bye bye <3 <3
dengar citer x ?
ZE:A ada kuar kn teaser baru. lagu here i am. :)
tenguk yerk !! bye bye <3 <3
GTW !!
Assalamualaikum !
Hey kawan2.
akhirnye .. Atien a.k.a FutaMizuki uploaded our picture ...
time GTW . GTW ? hoho , Gelanggang Tok Wali la..
KIteorang tenguk drama nie at SMK WANGSA MELAWATI on 5 MARCH 2011.
eH, spe yg sekolh at situ ? hoho. asl takk jmpe korg ek aritu ?
heh . lupee. xkenall pon . hehe
1st picspam :)
Gambar nie time dalam bus ! aku dok ngn Ayien :)
Atien dok ngn Wani ! yang pic nie time nk pegi !
Woo, baru dok dalam bus, da ad picture. belom sampai lagi uw !

Before kiteorg sampai at sekola uw,kiteorg g singgah surau lu tok solat zuhur :)
Then , time kiteorng sampai, aku dok usha je sekolah uw. cuz nmpk familiar sngt !
Baru aku engt, tuh la sekolahh dimane mengambaran citer KAISARA dilakukan.
Hehe, sampai jugax aku at sekolah nie !
Then , cikgu kasi la kiteorng tiket tok masuk kedlm DEWAN uw.
Time kiteorg nk kasi tiket at kaunter tiket , [kaunter ke?] haha
Orang yg jage at pintu uw HANDSOME seyh ! wakaka.
Atien pun ckp cm tuh ! huh .. tapi, aku xdk la tenguk muke dy cm "miang" .
Then , drama dimulekan dgn nyayian lagu NEGARAKU.
adushh.. sket telinge kau. KENAPE ?
budak belakng aku bersemangat sgt nk nyayi !
Sape ? uwh !! AQIL & IKMAL . aigooo~~ MALU aku ~~
2nd picspam :)
After that ! hampir kol 5 lebh cm tuh , drama tuh pon habes.!
Then , b4 blek , ala.. amek2 la pic lu en. hehe.

3rd picspam :)
Ini picture diambil olehhh...
nth la.. aku da lupe.. mybe Faizal kot.
Sape Faizal ? nth la. aku pon xtw. :)
Eh eh , ad yan sekali la. hoho !!

Next :)
ini picture mybe Ayine yg amek, cuz..
dy xdk pon dlm gmbr nie. en en ?
i think so :))

Last picspam :)
Ini picture dicrop kn la !
aku crop pic yg at ats nie.
hehe. sje je nk amek gmbr kiteorg jerk :)
amacam ? lawa x? GADIS MELAYU :) HEHEHE

so, thats all for today !!
Hey kawan2.
akhirnye .. Atien a.k.a FutaMizuki uploaded our picture ...
time GTW . GTW ? hoho , Gelanggang Tok Wali la..
KIteorang tenguk drama nie at SMK WANGSA MELAWATI on 5 MARCH 2011.
eH, spe yg sekolh at situ ? hoho. asl takk jmpe korg ek aritu ?
heh . lupee. xkenall pon . hehe
1st picspam :)
Gambar nie time dalam bus ! aku dok ngn Ayien :)
Atien dok ngn Wani ! yang pic nie time nk pegi !
Woo, baru dok dalam bus, da ad picture. belom sampai lagi uw !

ha ? knpe aku tulis sweetmemory at picture uw ?
the reason is , time dalm bus, byk kenangn aku ngn dy :)
kenangan ape? huh ! SECRET !
Before kiteorg sampai at sekola uw,kiteorg g singgah surau lu tok solat zuhur :)
Then , time kiteorng sampai, aku dok usha je sekolah uw. cuz nmpk familiar sngt !
Baru aku engt, tuh la sekolahh dimane mengambaran citer KAISARA dilakukan.
Hehe, sampai jugax aku at sekolah nie !
Then , cikgu kasi la kiteorng tiket tok masuk kedlm DEWAN uw.
Time kiteorg nk kasi tiket at kaunter tiket , [kaunter ke?] haha
Orang yg jage at pintu uw HANDSOME seyh ! wakaka.
Atien pun ckp cm tuh ! huh .. tapi, aku xdk la tenguk muke dy cm "miang" .
Then , drama dimulekan dgn nyayian lagu NEGARAKU.
adushh.. sket telinge kau. KENAPE ?
budak belakng aku bersemangat sgt nk nyayi !
Sape ? uwh !! AQIL & IKMAL . aigooo~~ MALU aku ~~
2nd picspam :)
After that ! hampir kol 5 lebh cm tuh , drama tuh pon habes.!
Then , b4 blek , ala.. amek2 la pic lu en. hehe.

Aku pon xtw la, mne dtg madu aku uw..
MADU ? AINA la.. haha.
3rd picspam :)
Ini picture diambil olehhh...
nth la.. aku da lupe.. mybe Faizal kot.
Sape Faizal ? nth la. aku pon xtw. :)
Eh eh , ad yan sekali la. hoho !!

Next :)
ini picture mybe Ayine yg amek, cuz..
dy xdk pon dlm gmbr nie. en en ?
i think so :))

Last picspam :)
Ini picture dicrop kn la !
aku crop pic yg at ats nie.
hehe. sje je nk amek gmbr kiteorg jerk :)
amacam ? lawa x? GADIS MELAYU :) HEHEHE

so, thats all for today !!
Oh rabbit !!
Assalamualaikum !
Hey guys , to those who already see a picture of my rabbit .
You'll know what i'm gonna write about .
HUH. [Lets speak in malay]
Okkay , actually hari ini .. MY cousin datang ke rumah untuk lunch sama2.
Then , rancang nak masak kari daging , siput masak lomak cili api , ikan keli bakar and others.
So , today .. aku busy la sikit. tolong kupas2 kulit bawang & cuci pinggan. hehe.
Sedang aku kupas kulit bawang , adik aku cakap...
Arnab sudah dikorbankan.
WHAT ?>>> ? y_y . haishyy .... mengalir sedikit air mata aku.
campur dengan pedih air bawang . huh ! memang Y_Y sakan r. :))
HUH , dengar je berite uw , aku soh la adek aku amek gambar SI Arnab uw.
Makk oii !! adek aku kasi gambar kepala nye jer.
Macam nie !

OK OK !! Gotta go now :)
Salam. ~
Hey guys , to those who already see a picture of my rabbit .
You'll know what i'm gonna write about .
HUH. [Lets speak in malay]
Okkay , actually hari ini .. MY cousin datang ke rumah untuk lunch sama2.
Then , rancang nak masak kari daging , siput masak lomak cili api , ikan keli bakar and others.
So , today .. aku busy la sikit. tolong kupas2 kulit bawang & cuci pinggan. hehe.
Sedang aku kupas kulit bawang , adik aku cakap...
Arnab sudah dikorbankan.
WHAT ?>>> ? y_y . haishyy .... mengalir sedikit air mata aku.
campur dengan pedih air bawang . huh ! memang Y_Y sakan r. :))
HUH , dengar je berite uw , aku soh la adek aku amek gambar SI Arnab uw.
Makk oii !! adek aku kasi gambar kepala nye jer.
Macam nie !

Amacam ? aku tenguk pon , huh ! GELI.
ape lagi nak makan. huh .
OIII, arnab uw da lame aku bela.
Aku nie penternak yang baek , xmkn menatang uw.:)
hehe. Siot adek aku ckp aku takot.
Hey dear , sory sikit.
I'm not scare okay..
Aku just geli . arachi ?? huh !!
Then , aku tanye mak aku nak masak ape arnab nie ?
HUH , taw2 da masuk kuali . goreng berlada.
Bau cam ayam . tapi sayangnye , tuh arnab.
Kene tahan air liur la nie ! hak3.
So, tadi memang bayak la aku makn.
OK OK !! Gotta go now :)
Salam. ~
Picspam of my DUBU ONEW :)
Hallo !
Today , i think , should share w/ you some picture of ONEW [my oppa] since i haven't write about him for such a long time :)
Ok, just now . i have found a picture of Onew on musical "Brothers Were Brave".
Arayo ~~ you're already handsome :)
Ok , thats all for today :)
Today , i think , should share w/ you some picture of ONEW [my oppa] since i haven't write about him for such a long time :)
Ok, just now . i have found a picture of Onew on musical "Brothers Were Brave".
Lets check it out ! :-
Hey you ! thank for safe me from that thief :) hehe
Oppa! are you ok ? LOL . leave him alone. eh no no. leave him w/ me. :)
oK OPPA ! you're done it well. :) congrate !
Huh ! i notice that he's like Harry Potter ! LOL :) handsome. :>
oK OPPA ! you're done it well. :) congrate !
Arayo ~~ you're already handsome :)
Ok , thats all for today :)
28% votes vs 11% votes
Hello guys !!
How are you ? how are you doing ?
hehe. okay !
just now , i'm read a news about Lee Seung Gi & Onew. :)
About Lee Seung Gi is , he won the poll with 28% votes. while SHINee’s Onew was ranked 3rd with 11%, :)
One more thing about Onew is..
Have you hear about SM Entertainment (SME) rep announced that the company had
obtained the rights to produce a Korean adaptation of the Japanese manga, Hanazakari
no Kimitachi e (For You in Full Blossom).
To be entitled 아름다운 그대에게 (Beautiful You) in Korea, this project comes in the
light of JYP Entertainment’s success in producing the idol drama, Dream High.
Here are amongst some of the hottest suggestions (in Korea and internationally) so far:
Taeyeon (SNSD), Yoona (SNSD), Sulli [f(x)], Amber [f(x)] or Yeon Hee (last seen in Paradise Ranch) as Mizuki Ashiya, the female lead who disguises herself as a boy to help her idol, the excellent high-jumper, Izumi Sano jump again.
Minho (SHINee), Eunhyuk (Super Junior) or Kyuhyun (Super Junior) as Izumi Sano, the male lead who stopped high-jumping for unknown reasons and finds out Ashiya’s true gender pretty early in the series, without her realizing it.
Sungmin (Super Junior), Eunhyuk (Super Junior) or Onew (SHINee) as Shuichi Nakatasu, the second male lead who becomes a close friend of Ashiya and becomes conflicted with his sexual preference when he begins to fall for Ashiya, not knowing that she is a female.
Changmin (TVXQ), Donghae (Super Junior) or Siwon (Super Junior) as Minami Nanba, the dorm leader of the 2nd dormitory and a “ladies man”.
Heechul (Super Junior) or Yunho (TVXQ) as Hokuto Umeda, the school’s hot homosexual doctor who was the first to discover Ashiya’s true gender.
HUH ! i hope , ONEW will be the one of the cast for this drama :)
How are you ? how are you doing ?
hehe. okay !
just now , i'm read a news about Lee Seung Gi & Onew. :)
About Lee Seung Gi is , he won the poll with 28% votes. while SHINee’s Onew was ranked 3rd with 11%, :)
One more thing about Onew is..
Have you hear about SM Entertainment (SME) rep announced that the company had
obtained the rights to produce a Korean adaptation of the Japanese manga, Hanazakari
no Kimitachi e (For You in Full Blossom).
To be entitled 아름다운 그대에게 (Beautiful You) in Korea, this project comes in the
light of JYP Entertainment’s success in producing the idol drama, Dream High.
Here are amongst some of the hottest suggestions (in Korea and internationally) so far:
Taeyeon (SNSD), Yoona (SNSD), Sulli [f(x)], Amber [f(x)] or Yeon Hee (last seen in Paradise Ranch) as Mizuki Ashiya, the female lead who disguises herself as a boy to help her idol, the excellent high-jumper, Izumi Sano jump again.
Minho (SHINee), Eunhyuk (Super Junior) or Kyuhyun (Super Junior) as Izumi Sano, the male lead who stopped high-jumping for unknown reasons and finds out Ashiya’s true gender pretty early in the series, without her realizing it.
Sungmin (Super Junior), Eunhyuk (Super Junior) or Onew (SHINee) as Shuichi Nakatasu, the second male lead who becomes a close friend of Ashiya and becomes conflicted with his sexual preference when he begins to fall for Ashiya, not knowing that she is a female.
Changmin (TVXQ), Donghae (Super Junior) or Siwon (Super Junior) as Minami Nanba, the dorm leader of the 2nd dormitory and a “ladies man”.
Heechul (Super Junior) or Yunho (TVXQ) as Hokuto Umeda, the school’s hot homosexual doctor who was the first to discover Ashiya’s true gender.
HUH ! i hope , ONEW will be the one of the cast for this drama :)
So, what will your ideal cast be for 아름다운 그대에게 (Beautiful You)?
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