Wednesday, 20 April 2011
B1A4 :)
i broke my word. HEHE.
this is truely my last post for tonight !!
i got know that they have release their full audio :)
Listen it !!
[Only One]
[Bling Girl]
[못된 것만 배워서]
Hope you enjoys !!
okeyy. goodnight :)
Making of 0330 - U KISS .
This is my last post for tonight :)
I wanna share with you about the making filming of 0330 :)
You have listen to it right? yeah .. so, lets watch , whats happen behind the scene :)
HAHA, AJ and Elli eating an ice-cream while practicing ! So cute .
Omo ~~ cutiest evil maknae , Dongho :) ...
LOL , his facial expression . HAHA ..
Kevin and Kiseop talk about Dongho . Lol , Super Awesome. Yah , when Kevin said that Dongho relieving his stress by acting . Then , LOL .. his members being a victim. So pity . And , yah !! they're very funny !!
OMO , Did u guys noticed that Soohyun dance ballad while Hoone was playing a piano ? HOHO .. Good dancer !!
B1A4 Webto0n :)
You know.. every group have their own unique strategy to introduce themselves to everyone ! .. So , i think this is one of the strategy of B1A4 to make people know about their new song by webtoon :)
Lets check it out :-
Wah !! they're fallen in love with the same girl.. So now.. i know whats the song about :)) ..
its also such a nice song !!
[Gangstar Boy]
[Child (Love)]
Such a calm song . Love it..
[Stand up]
[So into U]
This song just make me felt wanna cry . Yeah , this song about love right ? so maybe.. i miss him :)
[Beautiful Goodbye]
Just now, i think .. i just want to put only 3 song. but i cant becoz. All the song were Super Awesome !! i love it !!!
Just now, i'm sign in to my twitter acc .. Then , have some admin that tweet the picture of Minho.. [cr : me2day] ..

Source: SHINee me2day [cr : TWITTER : @Onewdubulogy ]
Korean-Chinese T
Okei :) thats all for tonight !! hope u happy !!
[cr : allkpop]
B1A4 :)
So, let me introduce them to you :) ..
Start with their Leader !!♥♡♥♡
Name: Jin YoungFull name: Jung Jin Young (정진영)
Date of birth: 1992 ...-...-
Birthplace: South Korea
Position: Vocalist and leader
Blood type: A
Photo Release date (web): 11-April-2011
Fan Club: JinYoungditas
Abbreviation: Youngdis
The agency said it: Jin Young is the team leader and has been trained in composing, singing and acting for a while. It is exceptional musical talent and their next album will have a song composed and written by him.
Name: Baro
Real name: Cha Sun Woo (차선우)
Date of birth: 1993 ...-...-
Birthplace: South Korea
Position: Rapper
Blood type: B
Photo Release date (web): 12-April-2011
Fan Club: Barotinas
The agency said it: A representative from WM Entertainment, B1A4 agency, said: "Unlike their cute appearance, Baro actually has a charismatic rap tone. He took care of all that is the rap of debut album, and has an exceptional talent in that area. "
Name: Gong Chan
Full name: Gong Chan Shik (공찬식)
Date of birth: 1994 ...-...-
Birthplace: South Korea
Position: Vocalist and Maknae
Blood type: A
Photo Release date (web): 13-April-2011
Fan Club: GongChansitas
Abbreviation: Gongchen
The agency said it: A WM Entertainment representative said, "He is Gongchen maknae and the team's primary voice. He not only has vocal talent, also has impressive acting skills, so you will be able to promote a variety of different areas.
Name: Sandeul (산들)
Full name: ¿?
Date of birth: 1993 ...-...-
Birthplace: South Korea
Position: Lead vocal
Blood type: A
Photo Release date (web): 14-April-2011
Fan Club: Sandeulitas
The agency said it: "Sandeul always smiling, so it makes the people around you feel happy." His voice tone is characterized by "serious", however, this is the main reason why he is member that we all feel that deserves to be the lead singer. "
Name: CNU
Real name: Shin Woo (신우)
Date of birth: 1992 ...-...-
Birthplace: South Korea
Position: Lead singer and rapper
Blood type: A
Photo Release date (web): 15-April-2011
Fan Club: CNUT
Abbreviation : CNUgirl
The agency said it: "CNU is a health enthusiast. He has an impressive talent for singing and rapping. CNU is the more masculine and can say that with a more quiet, but has a charming smile that captures the hearts of women. "
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY :) i'll keep update more about them later !!Just wait yah !!