woahhh, i'm very tired. All the members were tired. we had a nice day n fun day. we were happy today:) here, i'll share u ours photo tht we took just now.. :)

They r my friends. from left wani+ayien+leena+atien

Before we eat , we took some picture. ikmal, idk wht was his prob, idk wht he want to do. look at imran.. he just stedyy..for your information, imran was a boy tht wear blue t-shirt n ikmal wear a "songkok" hehhe.

Time for eat ! ayien ate a "Bihun Singapore" thts made by her father n "Chicken" thts fried by me+wanie:) it look delicious. yehah. thts true. it was really delicious :) u must try it !

After we're eat , we played a game tht had a nme "Kotak Beracun" . its was really fun. How to play ? wow, simple . must hv a song n box. When the song was play , the box must be passes to other. when the song was stop , person who got the box must do following the thing he/she got. some people must mke forgive to other such she do towrd her mother. some people must make a cute face. here, imran's face when he do a cute face..

Sorry , the picture was blur.. :)

After we played the game. Hajar cut a cake into a pieces n gve to us to eat la. the cake was very nice. i love it.

This is our "Queen of the world" . Her name was Atien. wht she do ? she was ate "Dadih" . ehhehe,,,
Thats all for today because i need a rest bcz im very tired :)...btw, i hv a fun day for today :) Really sorry if my ENGLISH was so Bad :)