Holla readers :D
After we went to airport .. we went to Restaurant at Kota Damansara ^_^..
Felt hungry much .. The time already 1.00 a.m . i guess it :D After we were arrived..
We had found a table nearby "Tukang masak" .. We really hope when we sat nearby "Tukang Masak" we'll get out food fast ..^_^
Then .. the cute one waiter came to take an orders...
Me : Nasi Goreng Kampung w/ Teh O'Ais Limau .
Syifa : Nasi Goreang Cina w/ Teh O'Ais Limau .
Baba : Nasi Goreng Ayam w/ Barli .
Syaza : Milo Ais only ..
Punoi : Satte only ..
After we wait for 5 to 6 minute like that .. Our drinks come^_^ ... Lets drink first ..
omo~~ my stomach was cried .. we wait until 10 minute like that after drinks came to our table.. Punoi's Satte arrived..
Because of my family and my stomach have been singing a very catchy song .. So, we ate first "secucuk satte". Expiry of a prick .. Omo ~ ~ still hungry .. then we wait how long tahh.. ..But It was certainly a long time .. so tired waiting for food.. The "tukang masak" cook very slow.. my father already " kutuk" thats "Tukang masak" ..
Ouh ya~~ Do u wanna know about the "Tukang Masak " ?? At thats small kitchen .. there hv 2 "Tukang Masak " BUt , i think our food was cook by thats one.. heehe .. woahhh .. my father n i was watched on him .. omo~~ my father very angry thts "Tukang Masak " bcz .. when he was cook .. He
He had eat food cooked by himself were actually for customers. he was like that for many time.. My father was very disappointed with his attitude .. My father look like lost his patient .. i only "segeroet" hehe ..
The one bad thing .. that he'd done .. i saw..he has entered the fried rice into a plate. but, then .. he throw back thats fried rice into the pan ..adeshh,, what he tried to do .. ? i Really dont know..
At the same time . i hd laugh. aduy ,..... So dissapointed..
After that .. the cute waiter came to sent out arders.. Thnx for God.. we can eat. hoho ..
After the cute waiter go .. His friends come to our table n ask :-
Dak Laki : Mintak maaf ye pakcik sebab lambat smpai ckit .
My Father : Bukan lmbat ckit, lmbat bnyk da nie..
Dak Laki: yeke pakcik ..? tak pe.. t saya gtw boss saya pasal nie..
My Father : memang sellu mcm nie .
Dak Laki : Yeke? kne tye Tukang Masak tu la.. btw, mcm mne maknan ? ok?
My Father: makanan.. ok la..
[aku angguk je]
Dak LAKI : Len kali kalw pakcik dtg.. kiteowg akn layan pakcik first.
[ayat dy mmbuat en aku n adik aku gelak.. smbil matenye melereng ke arah kiteowg]
Myfather : ouh yewla..
[then .. dy bla]
Dalam hati .. kesian gax at dyy sbb kiteowg gelak kn dyy. hoho.. but, he look handsome. ahah.
Then , we continue our meal.. omo~~ My little brother already slept. aku perasn yg dak cute uw pndng kearah.... ahha.. our table kot.. when aku nak try nk lap pipi adk aku yg comot uw.. aku terpndng dyy.. haahah... mmg nmpk cumell.. terserlah kecumilan dy. hehe..
Tapi.. dy nmpk familiar sgt.. mcm prnh jmpe b4, adeshh. siapekh dy. ceywahh..
hahha.. moge2 dpt berjumpe lgi ngn dorg berdue,,huk3..
ok... smpi disni sje la my bad essay. ahah..