i found this video.. He hurt when he and his member "shinee" perfomed for Juliet on music bank. hah.. i dont know..
check it out ! he sprained his leg at @0:48 sec .. pity to him.. !he slipped because of the water of the 2NE1 Stage. he hit the ground pretty hard but kept on dancing.
if u notice that Onew walk like a people who are sick .. lets check out this video.
see him @0:29 sec.
at the end of the show..the metal structure with lighting collapsed .Thats why Onew, due to shock and trauma, fainted. He waited in theback stage preparation room before being rushed to hospital at 8:15pm ..
Ya~~ hes always suffer a lot of accident . pity to him !!
Ya, oppa// i know.. you're such THE SUPER POWER !!
I L O V E Y O U O N E W :p
really pity + poor towards onew !! haishh..